What is Sinus Surgery?
Sinus pressure and pain can interrupt life in a way you don’t want
If you have issues with breathing while lying down, such as sleep apnea or recurrent tonsillitis, your ENT doctor may recommend you consider a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils, otherwise known as a tonsillectomy. If you want to know more about this surgery, you can find out the basics before having a consultation.
This simple operation has the aim of completely removing the tonsils to help ease blockages and infections in the throat and help ease breathing difficulties. Your tonsils are two small glands located at the back of your throat. They’re full of white blood cells, which have a role to play in helping the body fight off infection. Sometimes the tonsils are overly large and can cause problems with breathing, especially when asleep and lying down, or they can get infected and cause tonsilitis. Symptoms of this include a fever, an extremely sore throat and swollen glands in the neck. Tonsil surgery is also sometimes recommended to help ease excessive snoring.
If you do decide to go ahead with the procedure, then preparation begins around two weeks before the scheduled date of the surgery, when you will need to stop taking any anti-inflammatory medications. These can include over the counter painkillers like ibuprofen and aspirin, and if you take any prescription medications you must consult with your ENT doctor. A tonsil surgery is performed fasted, which means that you shouldn’t eat or drink from midnight the day before your procedure. Plan out how you’re going to spend your recovery once surgery is complete. You’ll need a ride home and help from someone close in the first day or two post-surgery. You’ll be at home recovering for about a week or so.
There are actually a few different methods of performing a tonsillectomy. Your ENT doctor will discuss the method most suitable for you before your treatment.
Whichever process is recommended for you, the surgery takes around 30 minutes to complete. You will be given a general anesthetic, meaning that you will be asleep for the duration and not conscious of the process. After the surgery, you will be monitored for things like blood pressure and heart rate. Usually, you will be discharged by your doctor the same day.
Experiencing a sore throat post-surgery is common. Make sure that you’re in a comfortable environment and can get plenty of rest. Stay hydrated by taking small sips of water and sucking on ice pops. Foods that it is good to have following tonsil surgery are soft things like soup, ice cream, applesauce, ice cream and oatmeal. Avoid anything crunchy, spicy or hard for a week or so. Your ENT doctor will let you know what painkillers it’s safe to take. Tonsil surgery is relatively straightforward and you’ll soon make a full recovery.
Sinus pressure and pain can interrupt life in a way you don’t want
It’s safe to say that when it comes to your sleep, you’re always going
If you have issues with breathing while lying down, such as sleep apnea or