What is Sinus Surgery?
Sinus pressure and pain can interrupt life in a way you don’t want
Many people believe that earwax is a negative and damaging thing to their health, as the connotations surrounding earwax often imply that it’s a nuisance and needs to be cleared out regularly. However, there are a number of health benefits to having some earwax in our ears. Of course, excess earwax and build ups can cause hearing loss and discomfort.
This is why it’s important to visit a hearing health professional regularly so that you can discover what may be causing your hearing loss. Blockages are very common, and this can often be solved by professional ear cleaning. If you’re wondering what makes excess earwax build up, here are some of the most common causes.
Some people are slightly more susceptible to earwax build up because of the shape and size of their ear canals. When earwax is not dislodged naturally there is often a buildup which leads to an eventual blockage in the ear. If someone has inflammation, a skin condition or excess hair in the ear canals this can also be a common cause of earwax build up.
Although you might think that you’re removing excess earwax by using a cotton swab to help you clear it away, you may actually be contributing to the problem. When you use a small object in your ear, such as a cotton swab it actually pushes the cerumen further into the ear canal, which can then cause further build up.
You may instinctively know if you have a buildup of ear wax because you may experience hearing loss. Generally, you will feel a blocked sensation in your ear, experience earache, tinnitus or even vertigo. These symptoms can vary from one person to the next, so it’s always best to seek advice from a medical professional if you’re unsure.
If you don’t seek professional help regarding a blocked ear canal you can experience infection, severe pain, dizziness or even a fever. This is why it is very important to follow up any concerns with a hearing health professional.
When it comes to treating earwax build ups and blockages, it is essential to leave this to the professional. Do not try to clear the blockages by yourself otherwise you may make the problem worse. Your hearing healthcare professional will be able to advise the best possible treatment to get rid of the blockages, from softening drops to micro suction techniques.
In most cases, a simple buildup of earwax is entirely normal and can be rectified by visiting a health professional. If you suspect you have a buildup of earwax it is important to get it checked out, rather than dealing with it yourself. Steer clear of resolving the issue at home, as this can often make the earwax blockage worse and may cause significant damage. Hearing health professionals are specially trained and will be able to advise you on the best course of action. Attending semi-regular ear cleaning appointments may also be beneficial, if you find that earwax is building up in your ears more often than usual.
Sinus pressure and pain can interrupt life in a way you don’t want
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