Earwax removal is a big part of any audiologist’s job. This process can be handled in a variety of different ways, and the type of method your audiologist will use will usually depend on the type of earwax issue you’re encountering. Let’s take a look at some of the common methods that audiologists will use when they’re tackling an issue like this. First, though, it makes sense to explore why earwax can be an issue in the first place.

What is The Problem with Earwax?

Earwax is an essential component of your ears, providing the sensitive inner workings of your ears with protection against dust and other debris. Unfortunately, though, people often produce more wax than they need, and this can eventually lead to blockages and other issues if ears are cleaned properly. Cleaning your own ears can be dangerous, and it’s usually worth letting an audiologist do it for you.

Curettage Earwax Removal

For mild earwax issues, curettage earwax removal is the most common solution. Your audiologist will use a curette or small scoop to slowly remove earwax from your ears with the help of a special light and magnifying glass. They will be able to see inside your ears, making it possible to avoid causing damage by delving too deep or being rough with sensitive parts of your inner ear. Of course, though, this method won’t be possible for wax that is trapped deep within your ears.

Suction Earwax Removal

Suction earwax removal isn’t as popular as it used to be, as it requires creating a pressure differential between your ears and the outside air that can be both uncomfortable and damaging. For this reason, it is usually reserved for earwax issues that are hard to solve using other methods. It’s always worth going to an audiologist for treatments like this, with high street suction earwax removal services using tools that provide very little control over the level of pressure that is created within your ears.

Irrigation Earwax Removal

Finally, as the last method to look at, it’s time to think about irrigation earwax removal. Rather than creating negative pressure within your ears, a method like this will involve flushing your ears out using a special solution. Carbamide peroxide is a popular choice for this, with this chemical being able to break down earwax without causing damage to the inside of your ear. This process can be safer than suction earwax removal, but you still need to make sure that you see a professional audiologist for it. Putting strong chemicals in this part of your body needs to be done with expert oversight.

Earwax is very important to your ears, but it can also cause hearing problems when it isn’t cleaned properly. It always makes sense to work hard to keep your ears in good shape, and your audiologist can help you with this. You just need to make sure that the methods that are used to remove your earwax are suitable for you.