Vertigo is a condition that a lot of people are aware of, even if they haven’t experienced it for themselves. There are a variety of causes of vertigo, from calcium particles on the hairs of the inner ear, to infections to the presence of non-cancerous tumors on the inner ear. Whatever the cause, the most common symptom of vertigo is generally the same. Most people who experience vertigo will experience a feeling of being off-balance.

It will often feel as though the room around them is spinning even when the room is staying completely still. While this is often the most pronounced and indicative symptom of vertigo, it’s certainly not the only symptom. There are plenty of other symptoms that, when combined with that off-balance feeling, can indicate not only the presence of vertigo but also the potential causes of it. With that in mind, here are four common symptoms of vertigo to be aware of.

Hearing loss

Since vertigo is a condition that is almost always connected to the inner ear, it’s hardly a surprise that it can also come with at least some degree of hearing loss. After all, the various mechanisms of the inner ear are connected to one another and if something is disrupting the inner ear’s ability to send signals to the brain then that is going to impact your hearing. You may also experience a ringing in your ears, also known as tinnitus.


Nausea is one of the most common symptoms of vertigo and is often a direct result of the feeling of being off-balance. That off-balance feeling often comes with a distinct feeling of dizziness and that can often lead to a strong feeling nausea and even the desire to be sick from the constant motion that your inner ear is sensing even if you’re staying completely still.

Migraine headaches

The symptoms of vertigo and the symptoms of migraines can often be very closely linked since both are associated with dizziness and a lot of balance. However, vertigo can also result in the intense headaches and pain that are generally associated with migraines.


Much of the time the feeling of being off-balance comes with a feeling of being out of control of one’s faculties and this can often be an extremely frightening experience for a lot of people. This can often result in high levels of anxiety and can even lead to something as serious as a panic attack.

If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms along with a feeling of being off-balance then the best thing that you can do is to get in touch with an ear, nose and throat specialist as soon as possible. They will be able to provide you with treatment options depending on the cause of your vertigo. These can range from movement and exercise programs to a course of antibiotics to diuretics to surgery to remove tumors or drain infections. These can often clear up the cause and stop you from experiencing vertigo relatively quickly.