Hearing aids are a great way to manage hearing loss, but like any device, they can sometimes have performance issues. If you’re experiencing problems with your hearing aids, don’t worry –many common issues have easy fixes. A hearing health professional will guide you through solving typical problems so you can keep enjoying the benefits of better hearing. Here are three effective steps you can use at home to troubleshoot hearing aid repairs yourself.

Check the Batteries

One of the simplest and often overlooked solutions is checking your batteries. These small power sources can cause many problems when they aren’t working well. Start by replacing the batteries and make sure they are inserted correctly, paying attention to the + and – signs. Also, check for corrosion, which can lead to poor connections. If you see rust or white powder in the battery compartment, clean it gently while your hearing aid is turned off. If issues persist even after replacing the batteries and cleaning the contacts, use a battery tester to see if the new batteries are defective or contact your hearing health professional.

Inspection and Cleaning

Accumulated earwax and debris is one of the primary factors behind ill-functioning hearing aids. Routine upkeep will keep it running at peak performance. Here are a few ways you can keep your hearing aid clean and troubleshoot these issues. These include:

  • Examine microphone and receiver ports: Microphone and receiver ports can easily become blocked with wax and dirt from daily wear and tear, so use a soft brush provided by your hearing health professional to gently clear any blockages away.
  • Replace your wax guard or filter: Your hearing aid’s wax guard or filter exists to keep wax out of its delicate internal components and should be checked regularly, replacing it if clogged.
  • General cleaning tips: For best results, wipe your hearing aids regularly using a soft, dry cloth and avoid using liquids that could create moisture issues in them. You can also use a pick to clean your hearing aids.

Assess Connection and Settings

If changing the batteries and cleaning haven’t fixed your hearing aid, the problem might be more technical. Try resetting the program, as hearing aids can benefit from a reboot to clear out any bugs or glitches. Check the wireless connections if your hearing aids connect to other devices, ensuring they are strong and reliable. Weak or dropped Bluetooth connections can cause performance issues. Also, make sure the volume and program settings are appropriate for your environment and hearing needs. Proper settings are crucial for an optimal hearing experience.

If after following these tips you are still having issues, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance from a hearing health professional, they will ensure you can remain connected to the world with clarity and confidence. If you want to learn more about how to troubleshoot your hearing aids or want to learn more about the functions of your hearing aids schedule an appointment with a hearing health professional.