If you’ve been recommended behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids after a recent hearing test, it’s natural to want to find out more about what they are, how they work and how they’re going to benefit you. Of course, it’s always best to talk directly with your audiologist about what hearing aids are best for you and your needs. Here is a list of the main benefits of wearing BTE hearing aids below.

What are BTE Hearing Aids?

BTE hearing aids are fitted behind your ear, with a wire connecting the main case and technology of the hearing aid to an ear cuff that sits just inside the inner ear. BTE aids tend to be larger compared to other hearing aids on the market, but they can address all levels of hearing loss from mild to profound and can be a great fit for all ages.

Long Battery Life

BTE aids have the longest battery life of any of the aids currently available. This is one of the biggest benefits of wearing BTE hearing aids. Seeing as the battery portion of the hearing aid is fitted behind the ear and sits there without needing to be fitted anywhere smaller, bigger batteries can be placed inside. This increases the average wear of your hearing aid and means you can go all day on one charge, depending on how long you are wearing your hearing aids in your day-to-day life.

Easy to Wear

BTE hearing aids are easy to wear and maintain. Unlike in-the-ear models, they don’t need to be inserted into the ear canal. Instead, the main part of the device sits comfortably behind the ear, with a small wire that wraps over the top. This makes them simple to access and handle. When it’s time to clean the device or change the battery, you can easily remove it from behind your ear, wipe it down and open the battery compartment without much hassle.

Adaptive Features

The larger size of BTE hearing aids allows for more features compared to smaller devices. These features can include directional microphones, Bluetooth connectivity, rechargeable batteries and multisettings. The controls are also easy to access, so wearers can adjust their settings. For people who find it difficult to handle smaller objects, BTE hearing aids are especially helpful due to their size and wearer-friendly design. Talk with an audiologist about the different features available and which would be right for you.

Talk to Your Audiologist About BTE Hearing Aids

If you want to know more about wearing and the different features available for BTE hearing aids, talk to your audiologist about getting a set made and fitted. Your audiologist will be able to tell you whether BTEs are right for you, what you can expect from wearing them and how they can improve your quality of hearing. Reach out to your audiologist and ask about a hearing aid appointment. You can also schedule a hearing test to understand the level of hearing loss you may be experiencing.